Mahelu Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retriever Breed Standard

The Labrador Breed Standard was drawn up in 1916 in England by the Labrador Club these rules and points were submitted to The Kennel Club.  Since then the standard has been revised in 1950, 1982, and 1986.

The Labrador Breed Standard has remained the same since 1986, Australia follows the English Breed Standard.

Here is the link to the Labrador Breed Standard on the Dogs Australia website:

Here is the link to the Extended Labrador Breed Standard:

By Audrey Radclyffe of Zelstone Labrador Retrievers (who was a sister-in-law of Mr C.R.E. Radclyffe of Hyde House)

Contact Details

Brett and Michelle Wheeler

PO Box 1345


Phone: 0447515896

Email: [email protected]

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